Faculty and Staff Directory
Margie Altekruse
Finance Managermargiea@uoregon.edu
Bala Ambati
Research Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Ambati Lab
Gabrielle Andrew
Academic Business Coordinatorgandrew@uoregon.edu
Albert Aragon
Custodial Services Manageraaragon@uoregon.edu
Bonnie Archer
Lab Manager, Ambati Labbarcher1@uoregon.edu
Arash Asgari
Lab Manager, Hosseinzadeh Labasgari@uoregon.edu
Chandler Asnes
Research Assistant, Hettiaratchi Labcasnes@uoregon.edu
Helen Aucoin
Event and Special Project Managerhaucoin@uoregon.edu
Nadine Batya
Business Coordinatornbatya@uoregon.edu
Rachel Bedford
Research Associate for Scientific Communication, Knight Campus Communications Officerlukowic@uoregon.edu
Melissa Bemrose
Lab Manager, Gardner Labmbemrose@uoregon.edu
Glen Bennett
Senior Research Administrative Coordinatorgbennett@uoregon.edu
Mark Blaine
Professor of Practice, Journalism and Communicationmblaine@uoregon.edu
Khaila Carlstrom
Assistant Director of Academic Administrationkhaila@uoregon.edu
Samantha Chacon
Performance Physiology Research Assistantsjchacon@uoregon.edu
Aida Chebbi
Research Engineerachebbi@uoregon.edu
Casey Check
Polymers Track Manager, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programccheck@uoregon.edu
Holly Christensen
Project Coordinator, Knight Campus Communications Officehollychr@uoregon.edu
Sarah Chunn
Business Coordinatorschunn@uoregon.edu
Leslie Coonrod
Sr. Lecturer and Director, Bioinformatics and Genomics Master's Program, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programcoonrod@uoregon.edu
Paige Crawford
Executive Assistant and Administrative Project Managerpkc@uoregon.edu
Lacey Curran
HR Coordinatorlaceyc@uoregon.edu
Paul Dalton
Associate Professor, Department of BioengineeringBradshaw and Holzapfel Research Professor in Transformational Science and Mathematics
The Dalton Lab
Drew Debban
Business Coordinatoradebban@uoregon.edu
Jacinda DeGiusti
Business Coordinatorjdegiust@uoregon.edu
Felix Deku
Betsy and Greg Hatton Assistant Professor in Neuroengineering, Department of BioengineeringThe Deku Lab
Alex Denton
Postdoctoral Scholar, Hahn Labadenton@uoregon.edu
Jen Edwards
Senior Business Coordinatorjene@uoregon.edu
Leo Ferrara
Nate Fox
Research Assistant, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliancenatefox@uoregon.edu
Rebecca Frederick
Postdoctoral Scholar, Deku Labrebecca2@uoregon.edu
Allison Fujinaga
Student Recruiter & Advisorafujinag@uoregon.edu
Tim Gardner
Associate Professor, Department of BioengineeringRobert and Leona DeArmond Chair in Neuroengineering
The Gardner Lab
Leslie George
Senior Cleanroom Managerlgeorge@uoregon.edu
Sayandeep Gupta
Postdoctoral Scholarsdgupta@uoregon.edu
Judy Haines
Alexis Harris
Assistant Director of Business Operations for Research and Innovation Centersaeharris@uoregon.edu
Julien Haven
Facilities Operations Coordinatorjhaven@uoregon.edu
Dan Hays
Assistant Director of Business Operationsdhays@uoregon.edu
Hope Healey
Bioinformatics Lecturer, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programhhealey@uoregon.edu
Marian Hettiaratchi
Assistant Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Hettiaratchi Lab
Terra Hiebert
Lab Manager, Papé Family Innovation Centerterrah@uoregon.edu
Samuel Hinton
Lab Manager, Plesa Labsrhinton@uoregon.edu
Parisa Hosseinzadeh
Assistant Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Hosseinzadeh Lab
Courtne Huffman
Development and External Relations Project Managerchuffman@uoregon.edu
David Johnson
Postdoctoral Scholar, Benoit and Willet Labsdavidjoh@uoregon.edu
Kimberly Jones
Lab Managerkjones15@uoregon.edu
Salil Karipott
Postdoctoral Scholar, Ong Labkaripott@uoregon.edu
Emily Karolidis
Postdoctoral Scholar, Hahn Labekarolid@uoregon.edu
Zak Kindl
Research Coordinator, Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliancezkindl@uoregon.edu
Sangeetha Ravi Kumar
Research Associate, Ambati Labsrkumar@uoregon.edu
Sophia Lan
Accounting Techsophilan@uoregon.edu
Julie Langenberg
Project Managerjulieml@uoregon.edu
Kurt Langworthy
Sr. Director for Shared Equipment and Core Facilitiesklangwor@uoregon.edu
Ievgenii Liashenko
Postdoctoral Scholar, Dalton Labliashenk@uoregon.edu
Angela Lin
Senior Research Engineer, Guldberg Labal81@uoregon.edu
Gabriella Lindberg
Assistant Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Lindberg Lab
Kait Link
Research Associate, Wu Tsai Human Performance Allianceklink@uoregon.edu
Jessica Marquez
Associate Director of Human Resourcesjmarquez@uoregon.edu
Michael McGeehan
Postdoctoral Scholar, Ong Labmmcgeeha@uoregon.edu
Laura McKnight
Senior Director Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programlmcknigh@uoregon.edu
Jodi Myers
Senior Academic Business Coordinatormyers2@uoregon.edu
Kathy Noakes
Senior HR Coordinatorknoakes@uoregon.edu
Greg Normandin
Director of Facilities and Building Servicesgregn@uoregon.edu
Sarah Ober-Hicks
Senior Research Administrative Coordinator, Operations Teamoberhick@uoregon.edu
Keat Ghee Ong
Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Ong Lab
Wade Owens
Calin Plesa
Assistant Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Plesa Lab
Frederick Pool
Senior Industry Advisorfredpool@uoregon.edu
Margie Posada
Office Specialistmposada@uoregon.edu
Grace Privett
Postdoctoral Scholar, Willett Labgprivett@uoregon.edu
Vigneshkumar Rangasami
Postdoctoral Scholarvignesh@uoregon.edu
Adam Rauff
Postdoctoral Scholar, Guldberg Labrauff@uoregon.edu
Sarea Recalde Phillips
Postdoctoral Scholar, Benoit Labsrecalde@uoregon.edu
Lynde Ritzow
Director of Student Success & Alumni Partnerships, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programlynde@uoregon.edu
Ana Rodriguez
Genevieve Romanowicz
Postdoctoral Scholar, Guldberg Labgennyr@uoregon.edu
Karl Romanowicz
Postdoctoral Scholar, Plesa Labkrom@uoregon.edu
Lindsey Rubottom
Brewing Innovation Instructor and Lab Managerrubottom@uoregon.edu
Sterin Neelima Satheesan
Research Assistant, Deku Labsterin@uoregon.edu
Ruchi Sharma
Postdoctoral Scholar, Hettiaratchi Labruchis@uoregon.edu
Nataliia Shchotkina
Research Assistant / Rosaria Haugland Postdoctoral Fellow, Lindberg Labnshchotk@uoregon.edu
Leah Smith
Research Administrative Coordinatorlsmith8@uoregon.edu
Shanda Sorensen
Research Administrative Coordinatorshanda@uoregon.edu
Sanique South
Postdoctoral Scholar, Willett Labssouth@uoregon.edu
Craig Stolarczyk
Senior Staff Scientist, Plesa Labstolarc@uoregon.edu
Heather Swift
Graphic and Visual Designer, Knight Campus Communications Officeheswift@uoregon.edu
Jason Sydes
Lecturer, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programsydes@uoregon.edu
Janelle Taggart
Business Coordinatorjtaggart@uoregon.edu
Betsy Tanenbaum
Associate Director of Student Success and Alumni Engagement, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programbtanen@uoregon.edu
Hiro Uehara
Senior Research Associate, Ambati Labhuehara@uoregon.edu
Jenni Van Wyk
Student Recruiter & Advisorjvanwyk@uoregon.edu
Kenneth Weekes
Postdoctoral Scholar, Human Performance Alliancekweekes@uoregon.edu
Kellie Welsh
Academic Business Coordinatorkcw@uoregon.edu
Tim Wheeler
Postdoctoral Scholar, Lindberg Labtwheele3@uoregon.edu
Nick Willett
Associate Professor, Department of BioengineeringThe Willett Lab
Maxine Wren
Bioinformatics Lecturer and Lab Manager, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Programmws@uoregon.edu
Sydney Yang
Postdoctoral Scholar, Benoit Labsya@uoregon.edu
Kaitlin Yarrington
Postdoctoral Scholar, Benoit Labkaiti@uoregon.edu
Stacey York
Senior Director of Professional Development and Workforce Readinesssyork@uoregon.edu
Annie Zeidman-Karpinski
Kenneth M. and Kenda H. Singer Science Librarianannie@uoregon.edu