A Global Effort to Transform Human Health Through the Science of Peak Performance
The Human Performance Alliance weaves together three synergistic scientific programs to accelerate high-impact advances in human performance: scientific moonshots, innovation hubs, and agility projects.
The neural patterns behind reaching for an object can improve brain-computer interfaces.
More recent research from University of Oregon Alliance Members
The alliance represents a first-of-its-kind scientific collaboration aiming to transform human health on a global scale through the discovery and translation of the principles underlying athletic performance. This vital work does not just benefit elite athletes. It will help developing athletes, aging athletes—really anyone with a body who wants to function at their peak, which is all of us.
The Human Performance Alliance weaves together three synergistic scientific programs to accelerate high-impact advances in human performance: scientific moonshots, innovation hubs, and agility projects. Involving collaborators from multiple disciplines and institutions around the country, these programs provide both breadth and depth in exploring and applying the fundamentals of peak performance to human health and well-being.
The UO is home to a moonshot in regenerative rehabilitation, centered in the Knight Campus, with collaborations extending out across the alliance. In addition, the Bowerman Sports Science Center at the UO’s Hayward Field is home to an innovation hub.