
The Lundquist College of Business and the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact are celebrating a new $10 million gift to the University of Oregon in support of innovation and entrepreneurship as well as faculty excellence.
The Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program (KCGIP) awarded grant supporting a pathway for low-income students to enter the high-tech and manufacturing sectors and funding day-long 2023 Internfest event
A Knight Campus student research team earned a silver prize and were nominated for the Best Software Award, while competing at the iGEM 2023 Grand Jamboree in Paris
The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon is featured in an Around the O story on the University of Oregon's partnership with nine other universities around the world to establish the Global Sport University Network.
A vivid, stunning visualization capturing the exquisite detail of affinity interactions critical for protein delivery is featured on the back cover of Advanced Healthcare Materials, highlighting the work done by Dr. Marian Hettiaratchi’s Lab.

Science outreach efforts aimed at inspiring young women and others from under-represented groups are commonplace, but such programs often reach young would-be scientists when it's too late says Tayler Hebner, a postdoctoral scholar in the Benoit Lab. 

Noelle Herceg is the second of four artists to be featured in the CFAR Project Incubator series spanning the 2023-24 academic year. The series is a partnership between the Knight Campus and the College of Design / Center for Art Research (CFAR). Herceg's series starts on Nov. 6 and will conclude on Dec. 4.
The fifth annual symposium will be one of the largest events ever hosted at Knight Campus. Members of our community should expect an increase in parking use and crowds moving through the main floors and skybridge throughout the day.
The Knight Campus Undergraduate Scholars program is accepting applications for students until Nov. 26 and mentors by Dec. 1.
Brian Gillis is the first of four artists to be featured in the CFAR Project Incubator series this year. The series is a partnership between the Knight Campus and the College of Design / Center for Art Research (CFAR). Gillis series, titled "Service Objects," will conclude on Nov. 3.