News - Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance


The University of Oregon will be hosting the inaugural Global Sport University Network Summit (GSUN) on September 12-13, 2024. 
The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon continues its sponsorship of Kidsports Summer Pop-Up Neighborhood Camps with sessions running from June through August
On Friday, May 24th, the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon will hold its annual symposium in the the Beetham Family Seminar Room

Sanique South, a postdoctoral scholar in the Willett Lab, received both the Translational Science Research Award and the 2024 Women in Nephrology Research Award while attending the Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI) 22nd Annual Workshop, held on April 17-19, 2024, in Bethesda, MD.

Ethan Dinh, an undergraduate researcher in the Guldberg Lab and member of the 2022 Knight Campus Undergraduate Scholars cohort, earned 1st place in the Robert D. Clark Honors College Three Minute Thesis Competition

Mike Hahn offers a few details on his May 1 talk at the Shedd Institute

The first K99 at the Knight Campus, the award promises to further researchers' understanding of factors controlling local bone immune response and regeneration
Two spectral flow cytometers are a new addition to the Knight Campus' growing list of scientific instrumentation
Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon researchers are connecting and collaborating with scientists and trainees around the world
The Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon is featured in an Around the O story on the University of Oregon's partnership with nine other universities around the world to establish the Global Sport University Network.