Knight Campus to Host Annual Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Symposium

On Friday, May 24th, the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon will hold its annual symposium. The event will showcase presentations from over 20 trainees from various labs within the alliance and feature a keynote lecture by Samuel Ward.

A distinguished professor in the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery, Radiology, and Bioengineering at UC San Diego, Ward serves as the vice-chair of research in orthopaedic surgery, director of the Device Acceleration Center, and director of the Muscle Physiology Laboratory. His research focuses on understanding musculoskeletal diseases and injuries to develop regenerative and rehabilitation solutions. Ward was selected to give the keynote due to his innovative approaches to musculoskeletal diseases and injuries, and his work's broad relevance to the Wu Tsai Alliance community at the University of Oregon.

All events will be held at the Beetham Family Seminar Room, and are open to registered participants.


 — Rachel Lukowicz-Bedford