The Knight Campus is made up of many people with a variety of interests and strengths of affiliation to each other. We have established programming for faculty, researchers, entrepreneurs and students to support innovation, career development and engaged research. The goal of the Faculty Affiliation Program is to create deeper engagement and build on the impact of Knight Campus programs and opportunities for collaboration with members of the broader community.
current knight campus associates

Benjamín Alemán
Associate Professor of Physics
Visit the Alemán Lab

Matt Barber
Assistant Professor of Biology
Visit the Barber Lab

Elliot Berkman
Associate Professor of Psychology
Visit the Social and Affective Neuroscience Lab

Carl Brozek
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Visit the Brozek Lab

Damien Callahan
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Muscle Cellular Biology Lab

Vickie DeRose
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Visit the DeRose Lab

Hans Dreyer
Associate Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Dreyer Lab

Josef Dufek
Gwen and Charles Lillis Chair and Professor of Volcanology
Visit the Dufek Lab

David Garcia
Assistant Professor of Biology
Visit the Garcia Lab

Ian Greenhouse
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Greenhouse Lab

Daniel Grimes
Assistant Professor of Biology
Visit the Grimes Lab
Karen Guillemin
Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor of Biology
Visit the Guillemin Lab

Mike Hahn
Director of the Bowerman Sports Science Clinic and Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Hahn Lab

Mike Haley
Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professor of Chemistry
Visit the Haley Lab

Adrianne Huxtable
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Huxtable Lab

Ramesh Jasti
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Visit the Jasti Lab

Darren Johnson
Professor of Chemistry
Director, Materials Science Institute
Visit the Johnson Lab

Nichole Kelly
Evergreen Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology and Prevention Science
Visit the RENEW Lab

Leslie Leve
Alumni Faculty Professor of Education
Visit the Leve Lab

Diana Libuda
Assistant Professor of Biology
Visit the Libuda Lab

Shawn Lockery
Professor of Biology
Visit the Lockery Lab

Michelle Marneweck
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Motor Skill Lab

David McCormick
Presidential Chair and Director of the Institute of Neuroscience
View McCormick's Research

Andrew Nelson
Professor of Management
Visit the Nelson Research Site

Ken-ichi Noma
Professor of Biology
Visit the Noma Lab

Raghuveer Parthasarathy
Alec and Kay Keith Professor of Physics
Visit the Parthasarathy Lab

Ellen Peters
Philip H. Knight Chair and Director of the Center for Science Communication Research
View Publications

Patrick Phillips
Professor of Biology
Visit the Phillips Lab

Mike Pluth
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Visit the Pluth Lab

Teresa Rapp
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Visit the Rapp Lab

Matt Smear
Assistant Professor of Psychology
View Research Interests and Publications

Hollie Smith
Assistant Professor of Science and Environmental Communication
Visit the MCST Website

Nicole Swann
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Visit the Swann Lab

Don Tucker
Professor of Psychology
Visit the Brain Electrophysiology Lab

Annie Zemper
Assistant Professor of Biology
Visit the Zemper Lab
Mark Blaine
Professor of Practice and Associate Director for Science Communication Research
Gee Choi
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science
Benjamin Y. Clark
Associate Professor of Public Policy and Management and Co-Director of the Institute for Policy Research and Engagement
John Clithero
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Amanda Cook-Sneathen
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Eric Corwin
Associate Professor of Physics
Jonathan Davis
Assistant Professor of Economics
Ellen Eischen
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Judith Eisen
Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Stephen Fickas
Professor of Computer and Information Science
Kristie Gibson
Supervising Attorney and Instructor in the Business Law Clinic
Brian Gillis
Professor of Art and Ceramics Coordinator
Joanna Goode
Sommerville Knight Professor of Education Studies
Kenton Gregory
Director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University
Marina Guenza
Professor or Chemistry and Biochemistry
Scott Hansen
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ralph Heidl
Inman Research Scholar and Associate Professor of Management
Kathleen Freeman Hennessy
Senior Instructor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in Computer and Information Science
Adam Higgins
Associate Professor of Bioengineering at Oregon State University
Emilie Hooft
Associate Professor and Associate Head in the Department of Earth Sciences
Jenefer Husman
Professor and Department Head of Education Studies
Santiago Jaramillo
Associate Professor of Biology
Andy Karduna
Professor of Human Physiology
Vsevolod Kapatsinski
Department Head and Professor of Linguistics
Kristin Kohler
Research Associate in the Institute of Ecology and Evolution
Sean Kohles
Research Professor of Emergency Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University's School of Medicine, Research Professor of Restorative Dentistry at Oregon Health & Science University's School of Dentistry, and Courtesy Professor of Human Physiology at the University of Oregon
Saurabh Lall
Assistant Professor of Planning, Public Policy, and Management
Lauren Lanahan
Assistant Professor of Management
Nathan Lillegard
Program Manager and Instructor of Management
Chris Liu
Inman Research Scholar and Assistant Professor of Management
Mohsen Manesh
Professor of Law
Luca Mazzucato
Assistant Professor of Physics
Grant McDermott
Assistant Professor of Economics
Stephen McKeon
Associate Professor of Finance
Ben McMorran
Associate Professor of Physics
Adam Miller
Assistant Professor of Biology
Nicolae Morar
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy
Cassandra Moseley
Vice Provost for Academic Operations and Strategy
Alex Murray
Assistant Professor of Management
Nagesh Murthy
Roger Engemann Professor of Operations and Business Analytics
James Murray
Assistant Professor of Biology, Mathematics, Neuroscience, and Physics
Brad Nolen
Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Boyana Norris
Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science
Jayson Paulose
Assistant Professor of Physics
Catherine Poulsen
Courtesy Appointment and Research Associate of Psychology
Mary Polites
Assistant Professor of Architecture
Eric Priest
Professor of Law
Teresa Rapp
Assistant Professor, Materials Science Institute
Jen Reynolds
Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Programs and Associate Professor of Law
Rori Rohlfs
Hildegard Lamfrom Associate Professor of Data Science
Kory Russel
Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture
Autumn Shafer
Associate Professor in School of Journalism and Communication
Humphrey Shi
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science
Kirstin Sterner
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Beth Stormshak
Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor in the Counseling Psychology and Human Services Department in the College of Education
Emily Sylwestrak
Assistant Professor of Biology and Neuroscience
Emily Tanner-Smith
Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Research in Counseling Psychology and Human Services
Richard Taylor
Department Head and Professor of Physics
Douglas Toomey
Oregon Hazards Lab Director and Professor
Arafaat Valiani
Associate Professor Graduate Faculty in the Department of Indigenous, Race and Ethnic Studies and Global Health
Ashley Walker
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology
Rachel Weissler
Assistant Professor of Black Studies, Linguistics
Mindy Wittkop
Director and Supervising Attorney in the School of Law
Peter Younkin
Assistant Professor of Management
Annie Zeidman-Karpinski
Kenneth M. and Kenda H. Singer Science Librarian
Janet Zhang-Lea
Assistant Professor of Human Physiology