
research lab

Resources and Facilities to Accelerate Your Research and Make Your Impact

The Knight Campus and the University of Oregon has a vast array of resources and facilities to support your applied and basic research. All the facilities are close to our research labs. The expert staff is dedicated to supporting your research and innovation efforts. You have hands-on access to one of the most comprehensive collections of research and fabrication facilities anywhere.

Shared Research Facilities at the Knight Campus

Fabrication Lab

Rapid Prototyping

The Knight Campus is home to a rapid prototyping facility with leading-edge tools for rapid, high-precision fabrication of parts, devices, and instruments. Students, faculty, and staff, can have access to a five-axis mill accurate to 5 microns throughout its working volume, a five-axis waterjet cutter for all materials up to 2m x 3m x 300mm thick, novel tools for laser welding and cutting, large format milling, CNC turning, and more. To learn more, visit the Technical Sciences Administration website. 

3D Printing Lab

3D Printing

The Knight Campus’ 3D printing facility provides printers and fabrication tools that make it possible to perform additive construction and manufacturing for a variety of resins, nylon, and bio compatible materials. State-of-the-art additive manufacturing capabilities include polymer 3D printing with a voxel size of 1 micron and smaller, a composites printer for fiber-reinforced industrial-grade components, and a Two-Photon Polymerization (2PP) printer to produce filigree structures of nearly any 3D shape. To learn more, visit the Technical Sciences Administration website.

Knight Campus Clean Room

Clean Room

The Knight Campus is establishing a research clean room to support the fabrication of next generation micro- and nano-scale devices on traditional semiconductor substrates as well as soft materials. Additionally, users will be able to leverage the equipment and process capabilities to create integrated microsystems, bioengineering devices and broad work on broad areas of nanotechnology including nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and nanobiotechnology. An environmental SEM capable of electron beam patterning is available within the facility.

X-Ray Imaging Core Lab

X-Ray Imaging Core Facility

The X-ray imaging facility provides versatile non-destructive X-ray based 2D and 3D imaging and quantitative analysis of biological samples and other materials at high resolution. This facility includes: a Zeiss Xradia 620 Versa (ex vivo microCT/X-ray microscopy specimen scanning of a wide range of sample dimensions and material types at voxel sizes ranging from sub-micron to hundreds of microns), a Scanco vivaCT80 (in vivo live animal longitudinal microCT imaging at voxel sizes in the tens to hundreds of microns), and a Faxitron Ultrafocus (in vivo live animal projection radiographs).

UO Research Core Facilities

In addition to the facilities on the Knight Campus, the UO has more than a dozen research major instrumentation facilities that are conveniently available to support your research. These facilities support materials and chemical analysis, microelectronics fabrication, genomics and high-performance computing to name a few. In nearly all cases, you will be able to use these tools yourself, and they are all located within just a few minutes walk from your lab. The key UO facilities most frequently used by Knight Campus research groups are described below.

Center for Advanced Materials Characterization in Oregon (CAMCOR)

CAMCOR is housed in Lorry I. Lokey laboratories and houses more than $30 million in materials characterization and fabrication equipment. This collaborative space brings together researchers from multiple disciplines in academia and industry. Within CAMCOR there are specialized facilities for:

•    Small molecule characterization, including state of the art NMR facilities; 
•    Polymer characterization; 
•    High-resolution electron microscopy and microanalysis; 
•    Focused ion beam microscopy; 
•    Surface analysis; and 
•    X-ray analysis. 

To learn more, visit the CAMCOR website.

UO lab

Genomics and Cell Characterization Facility (GC3F) 

Bioinformatics Lab

Genetics and Genomics 
GC3F supports scientific research at the University of Oregon by offering genetic and genomic technologies. In-house services include microarray-based genotyping, microarray printing, robotics for high throughput manipulation of DNA samples, and next generation Illumina-based high throughput DNA sequencing and associated bioinformatics. The facility currently operates an Illumina HiSeq 4000, a MiSeq, and a NextSeq 500.  Additionally, GC3F offers PacBio sequencing on the PacBio Sequel system.

Cell Sorting and Analysis 
The GC3F houses two flow cytometers: a Sony SH800 cell sorter and a first-generation Applied Biosystems Attune Cytometer. Both instruments are user-operated, and the SH800 also requires prior reservation.  Both the Sony and Attune are intuitive, user-friendly instruments that you can use to analyze cells.

The imaging facility supports scientific researchers and provides high resolution, state-of-the-art microscopy technologies for imaging.  A wide array of microscopes is available to tackle a range of imaging needs, including an Olympus Fluoview FV1000 Laser Scanning Confocal, a Leica SPE Laser Scanning Confocal + Widefield microscope with 405, 488, 561, 633 nm excitation lines, a GE DeltaVision Ultra - Widefield microscope with deconvolution, a Zeiss LSM 880 with SIM and Airy Scan Detector, a Nikon CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk microscope with TIRF capabilities and a custom-built Light Sheet microscope.  The staff is available to consult on experiment design and there are workstations available to process images.

To learn more, visit the GC3F website.

RACS servers

Research Advanced Computing Services (RACS)

RACS supports research computing at the University of Oregon by providing large-scale computing resources, performant storage, high-speed data transfer capabilities, and support for data sharing. Additionally, RACS provides consulting services in the computational sciences, training on the use RACS resources. To learn more, visit the RACS website. 


CNC micro machine

Technical Science Administration (TSA)

Operates the Scientific Instrument Machine Shop at the University of Oregon. It is staffed by professional machinists and electrical engineers who support internal and external research projects through the design and construction of lab equipment. They also train students and faculty in the safe operation of shop tools in order to further both research and education. To learn more, visit the TSA website.