Excellence in Research Award
The top-scoring presenter of 5 finalists, selected from over 115 abstracts submitted by students or trainees. Metrics for selecting the winner: The introduction clearly defines the research problem, provides a strong rationale, and engages the audience's interest. It sets the stage for the presentation effectively with a clearly outlined research question and work that is highly innovative. Methods are well-justified and rigorous with clearly defined controls and statistical analysis. The results are presented clearly, with a focus on key findings, and supported by well-designed visuals. The presenter demonstrates a deep understanding of the data and their implications. Clear, concise, and impactful conclusion that effectively summarizes key findings and their implications. The presentation highlights the potential utility of the generated knowledge, method, or product for others. The presenter actively engages the audience through a combination of compelling storytelling, enthusiasm, and responsiveness to questions. The presentation captures and maintains the audience's attention throughout.

Excellence in Research
Krista Habing (OHSU)
PhD graduate student at OHSU in Biomedical Engineering
Best Poster Awards
Best posters were selected by judges out of over 100 posters submitted by students or trainees. Metrics for selecting the winner: Excellent visual design and clarity that is well-organized and easy to read, excellent content and scientific quality presenting innovative and impactful research with strong scientific foundation, methodology, and rigorous results, excellent oral presentation effectively and confidently delivering contents with enthusiasm and engagement.

Best Poster
Haylie Helms (OHSU)
PhD graduate student under the mentorship of Dr. Luiz Bertassoni in Biomedical Engineering at OHSU

Best Poster
Michael Henderson
Biomedical engineering PhD student in Cancer Early Detection Advanced Research Center (CEDAR) at OHSU

Best Undergrad Poster
Melissa Duncan
Undergraduate majoring in chemistry at Willamette University

Best Undergrad Poster
Morrhyssey Benz
Undergraduate majoring in biochemistry at University of Oregon, Knight Campus Undergraduate Scholar in the Hettiaratchi Lab being mentored by Jonathan Dorogin
Best Logo Design Award
The selected logo should not be specific to any one institution but instead be reflective of the collaborative intention of the symposium between UO, OHSU, and OSU. The winning logo will be considered by the committee for future symposium advertising.

Best Logo Design
Anissa Benabbas
PhD biology graduate student under the mentorship of Dr. Calin Plesa at the UO Knight Campus