The Knight Campus hosted Satchin Panda for a talk on “Circadian Timing for Improving Health & Performance” on Monday, Sept. 26.

A leading expert in the field of circadian rhythm research and a professor at the Salk Institute, Panda is aligned with Knight Campus researchers and other UO researchers in the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance at Oregon. He serves on the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance Leadership Council and is the Site Director at Salk Institute. The UO is a founding member in the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance, which was made possible by a generous gift from the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation.
Panda, who visited the Knight Campus last summer during the World Athletics Championships, explores genes, molecules and cells that keep the whole body on the same circadian clock. In addition to delivering his talk, Panda met with Knight Campus students and faculty members as well as Wu Tsai Alliance at Oregon researchers.