A recently published paper by Gabriella Lindberg, an assistant professor in the Knight Campus Department of Bioengineering, that appeared in the journal Advanced Materials Interfaces, features an illustration by Knight Campus recruiting manager Chakris Kussalanant. Set against a pink backdrop, the brightly colored illustration depicts two rounded, connected shapes known as "self-assembled vitreous humor (VH) spheroids" collections of cartilage regenerating cells and proteins that could potentially to help repair damaged tissues. The ultimate goal of stimulating cartilage growth is to help patients with degenerative joint diseases such as Osteoarthritis.The illustration is featured on the "frontispiece" facing the internal title page of the journal.

Kussalanant and Lindberg collaborated on the illustration over the course of several meetings.
“We were both very excited so I think that made it a very successful project,” Lindberg said. “Chakris just has a good eye and sees why successful scientific illustrations work so well.”
Lindberg served as senior author on the paper, "3D-Bioassembly of VH-Spheroids for Cartilage Regeneration: in Vitro Evaluation of Chondrogenesis, Fusion and Lateral Integration," which appears in the Nov. 3 edition of the journal. The research could potentially lead to improvements in cartilage regeneration.