Downloadable Knight Campus Assets


Knight Campus Style and Use of Images/Materials




The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is the most dramatic change in the 140-year history of the University of Oregon. While it has unlimited potential for scientific education and societal benefits, its success is also nearly entirely dependent on continued donor, state, federal, and community support. It’s essential that our communications are consistent, accurate, clear, and aligned with the expectations of both current and prospective funders.

To ensure this accuracy, all communications materials that reference the Knight Campus are required to be approved by University Communications. To streamline the approvals process, use the recommendations and resources provided in this style guide.

Clearing Your Project

If you’re planning to use Knight Campus assets for event-marketing, editorial or commercial purposes, or are a member of a partner organization creating informational materials, please seek approvals and permission.

  • Review this style guide
  • Seek approval for your project by writing to
  • Allow a week for approval of all documents, although many requests can be turned around more quickly

Editorial Guidelines

Academic and Professional Citations

Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR


Spell out the first reference to the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact. In subsequent references, use Knight Campus.

  • First reference: The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact
  • Additional references: Knight Campus
  • Campus references: When referring to the entire campus, use Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact or Knight Campus
  • Building references:

First reference to the building at 1505 Franklin Blvd.: Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Building 1 or Knight Campus Building 1 (NOTE: "Building 1 of the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact or Building 1 of the Knight Campus are also acceptable)

Additional references: Building 1

First reference to the building now under construction at 1100 Riverfront Parkway: Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact Building 2 or Knight Campus Building 2 (NOTE: "Building 2 of the Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact or Building 2 of the Knight Campus are also acceptable)

Additional references: Building 2

  • General references: Use lower case for general references to the campus, the initiative, the project.

Avoid: Do not shorten Knight Campus to KC. (e.g., KC Building 1)

What It is Not

  • A complex
  • An institute
  • A center
  • A school or college
  • An acronym, such as KCASI

Donor References

Penny and Phil Knight, BBA ’59

Follow the naming protocol already in place for donors when referenced in an article or story:

  • Penny and Phil Knight (when referring to a couple, use the woman’s name first)
  • the Knights
  • Mr. and Mrs. Knight

First names, Phil and Penny, are acceptable when used in direct quotes.


The new campus is made possible by an extraordinary $500 million lead gift from Penny and Phil Knight in 2016, augmented with $70 million in state bonds, and followed up with a second $500 million gift from Penny and Phil Knight in 2021. 

Academic Department

The Knight Campus houses the Department of Bioengineering. In subsequent references, bioengineering or BioE are acceptable.

  • First reference: Department of Bioengineering
  • Additional references: BioE*, bioengineering

*Avoid the use of all caps (e.g., BIOE)


The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is . . .

  • 10-Word Description: . . . designed to accelerate the cycle of generating impact from discoveries. 
  • 25-Word Description: . . . designed to fast-track scientific discoveries into innovations, products, or cures to improve the quality of life for people in Oregon and throughout the world. 
  • 50-Word Description: . . . a new campus designed to accelerate the cycle of moving discoveries to impacts for the greater good. Rooted in the UO’s 60-year history of interdisciplinary collaboration, it will train new generations of scientists, forge tighter ties with industry and entrepreneurs, and create new opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students.

Social Media

The Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact is on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

Hashtags — The following hashtags are primary

  • #KnightCampus
  • #KnightCampusBioE
  • #AccelerateYourCareer
  • #UOResearch
  • #KCBuilding2Impact

Additional Accounts

Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program

Knight Campus Assets

Exterior Photo Assets


Video Assets

Knight Campus Aerial Footage

Download from Vimeo

Knight Campus B-Roll Footage

Download from Vimeo

Knight Campus Labs B-Roll Footage

Download from Vimeo

Robert Guldberg, Vice President and Robert and Leona DeArmond Executive Director of the Knight Campus, discusses the mission of science advancing society.

Download from Vimeo

Interior Photo Assets

Knight Campus Executive Director Photo Assets

robert guldberg

Robert Guldberg, Vice President and Robert and Leona DeArmond Executive Director of the Knight Campus

(TIF | 4.38 MB | 2100px x 1400px)

(JPG | 86 KB | 1200px x 800px)

connector photo

Robert Guldberg, Vice President and Robert and Leona DeArmond Executive Director of the Knight Campus, speaks with a student.

(TIFF | 8.9 MB | 2100px x 1400px)

(JPG | 688 KB | 1200px x 800px)